The Herald is Hobart and William Smith Colleges’s student-run newspaper of record and has been a campus institution since 1879. The Herald allows advertisers to reach a highly targeted market of nearly 2,000 students, faculty, staff, parents and members of the Geneva community.

The Herald does not accept ads in color.

Full Page (7.5″x10″)$225
1/2 Page (7.5x”5″)$120
1/4 Page (7.5″x2.5″)$65
1/6 Page (2.5″x5″)$40
1/12 Page (2.5″x2.5″)$22
Prices subject to change. Contact the herald by email to verify.

The Herald publishes three times a semester (almost monthly) . Any interested advertisers should email us at least one week in advance of the next issue.